You made me cold, Mommy! „You made me cold!“Yes, the 2 1/2 year old is still alive. She just can’t fall asleep and she’s pissedRead More

You made me cold, Mommy! „You made me cold!“Yes, the 2 1/2 year old is still alive. She just can’t fall asleep and she’s pissedRead More
I don’t need you anymore! It’s happened: Child number 3 has become independent. At the age of 2 and a half. I ask carefully ifRead More
TRRRRR TRRRRR TRRRRRR The teddy bear is tired. That’s what child number 3 tells me and presses his eyes shut. We let Number 2 sleepRead More
Have a nice week! “Nothing! You shouldn’t write anything!” Angry, like properly angry. My almost 5-year-old who was just watching a funny TV show, isRead More
Christina Rubarth is a Berlin-based TV and radio journalist. In her other life she’s a mother of three, whom she brought into this world oneRead More
„Be sexy, no size zero!“ It’s in the hallway at the back in shape class. Whilst I am reading the “Be Sexy” poster, I amRead More