Our Advisory Board
Our midwives and health care professionals receive expert advice and support from our advisory board.
Together we are developing the idea of call a midwife further and are working on constantly improving our service for you and your family.

Helen Sange
Medical specialist for gynaecology and obstetrics
My name is Helen Sange and I have been working in large hospitals as a medical doctor
in Berlin since 2009. At first in Radiotherapy and Palliative Care before switching to
Gynaecology and Obstetrics in 2011 and qualified as a consultant for OB/GYN in 2020.
My current fellowship is Sexual Medicine which I started in 2017 at the Charité Berlin. A
further fellowship in Gynaecological Endocrinology is soon to commence.
With this background I feel that I can approach female health issues both from a
physiological as well as psychological perspective.
I met Sabine Kroh at work a few years ago and was amazed by her drive and passion. I
am more than pleased to be part of this project as I believe digital medical advice is the
future of medicine. Patients without access to medical services or patients living abroad,
who feel more comfortable speaking in their mother language, will profit from this
As a human being, an intermittent patient and as a mother of two I know how crucial
help is during those sometimes scary weeks as a new mother.

Dr. Elisabeth Eilers
Senior physician Neonatology Vivantes Clinic for Children and Youth Medicine
Dr. Elisabeth Eilers has been working as a physician in children’s hospitals in Berlin for almost 20 years. She is a specialist in pediatrics and adolescent medicine and a neonatologist. She has worked in the largest neonatal wards in Berlin and for years in pediatric intensive care. She has a continuing education as ethics advisor and has worked intensively in palliative care.
She considers networking with international contacts in her private and professional life to be essential in order to be able to help internationally in her profession. Counseling of mothers using modern communication channels could make the treatment of children, especially in poorly cared for areas, much easier.

Dr. Christian Lindfeld
Managing Partner Africa Advisors
After finishing my degree in Economics and obtaining a PhD in Entrepreneurship I have gained more than thirteen years’ experience as an advisor. In 2014, I followed my passion for the “African Opportunity” and moved to Johannesburg with my family for a two-year secondment at KPMG South Africa. After initially focusing on the energy market, I quickly developed a set of services for KPMG which offer support and guidance for clients from around the world for their prospected market entry or growth strategy in Africa. These projects enabled me to get to know different African countries, markets and sectors and build a network in more than 15 countries.
Although my family and I would have loved to stay in Africa, we decided to move back to Germany after the end of my secondment in 2016. However, the move back allowed me to speak about the African Opportunity in Germany and convince companies and investors of the continent’s enormous opportunities. Wherever I went, I promoted the incredible opportunity of the African continent, whether by writing newspaper articles or blog entries, at various conferences or in discussions with clients who sought advice relating to Africa.
Africa Advisors is a logical step for me to commit myself further to sensitize German companies in regards to Africa and transform the often still persisting conservative views towards the continent into one that sees Africa as a pro-active business partner and actively seeks investment possibilities.
Africa offers many opportunities for young entrepreneurs and startups, many of whom have taken responsibility to resolve the prevailing everyday challenges in their countries. Through the development of innovative products and services these “Digital Natives” set out to better the lives of their people. I am proud to serve as the Africa Coordinator for the German Startup Association and take on the task to link the German startup ecosystem with the one on the African continent, as well as assist startups with an Africa focus develop their projects and initiatives in my role as a member of several Advisory Boards.
I look forward to supporting Call a Midwife and being part of this exciting journey.

Dr. Thomas Finkbeiner
Thomas Finkbeiner is a trained and practicing pediatrician with additional training in epidemiology, public health and health economics. He has over 20 years of experience in international health program management. He has worked for Doctors Without Borders, the US Centers for Disease Control and the World Bank, among others, and is managing director of his management consultancy Capsele UG. His vision is for patients to become equal partners in the healthcare system and take more responsibility for their health. The role of physicians in the future will be more about providing informed advice so that patients can make informed decisions. Thomas is convinced that modern communication technology will radically change the medicine of the future.