Join us. We support women all over the world.
We are a multilingual online midwife platform based in Berlin, Germany. Our mission is to reach women and families all over the world, wherever there is insufficient midwifery care or lacking healthcare systems, or any time online advice is needed, especially in a mother tongue. The digital era allows for the expansion of knowledge. There is no reason we, as medical professionals and midwives, should not spread our pregnancy, birthing, postpartum, and child-rearing know-how across all channels.
We are always better together.
Are you open to a new challenge? Are you prepared to share your expertise to support women and families from other cultures?
If so, please get in touch. We want to enrich our community, broaden our knowledge base, and help as many women as we can.
Email: info@call-a-midwife.com
WhatsApp number: +49 177 328 47 84