Every support counts.
Imagine living in a rural area, without access to health care.
Imagine being pregnant or mom to a newborn. So many questions, uncertainty about what to do, when to leave to the hospital. Transportation is expensive, the drive takes days.
Far, far away
Every support counts.
Imagine there is someone who supports you. Someone who answers all your questions, someone to give you peace of mind. Someone to talk to no matter where in the world you live.
Instant, easy access
Every support counts.
Most complications during pregnancy, labor and delivery occur as women in Tanzania don’t have easy and instant access to counselling and health workers.
Together with the Tanzanian Midwifery Association we will create a digital platform to support women and families online during pregnancy and the first years of motherhood. No commutes, no waiting in line, less waiting, less worrying. Professional advice any day, any time.
Creating a better future for Tanzanian moms.
Every support counts
We will strengthen medical and digital education and training for Tanzanian midwives. We will enable them to help themselves and each other. However developing skills and promoting staff development needs funding. And therefore we kindly ask for your support.
Your gift gives back.
Whenever you book our service we give you the opportunity to gift a piece of future. Together we can make our dream come true.
Just choose the amount you would like to gift and give back to moms in Tanzania.
Stay tuned…
Of course we will keep you updated on how our project is progressing and how we use your gift.
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